Account Balance
Wallet Address: fr1gFKkud6GyVF
Using Proof of Person to Give Every Miner an Equal Say and Equal Pay
Frink uses a new algorithm, Proof of Person, to create a truly decentralized cryptocurrency. As users link to each other, they form a social network. This social network verifies individuals, granting every person equal mining rights. Frink’s energy efficient approach to mining scales to millions of transactions per second.
Frink is building the Money You Deserve:
Free Floating Price Designed to Stabilize Faster
Protection from Scammers
Free Transactions
You have an equal say over updates, aka hard forks chosen by majority rule
You earn a share of the profits equal to every other miner
Earn ₣100 just by registering. Earn many more Frinks by linking to friends!
Frink is a Global Currency for...
₣100 upfront, easily earn many more
Every Person Mines as an Equal
Improved Price Stability
Scammer Protection
True Decentralization
Mobile Miner and Wallet
Low Bandwidth
Global Scalablity
Fast Transactions
Free Transaction Fees
Private Transactions
How Frink Works
1) You Join
Earn 100 Frinks just for registering
3) You Mine
Frink gives every miner an equal say and equal pay
2) You Link to Others
Earn more Frinks by linking to and referring friends and others
4) You Love Your Frinks
No one else can touch or track your new digital cash, transactions fees are free, and you are protected from scammers.
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