Account Balance
Wallet Address: fr1gFKkud6GyVF
Earn Your Frinks
Earn Frinks by Referring and Linking to Friends
The core of Frink is the “Friend Link” between you and other people. These links are used to grant you equal mining power, protect you from fraud, and distribute the currency in a manner that encourages price stability and widespread distribution.
With every link you make, you earn Frinks. The faster you link, the more Frinks you earn per link. Link now to earn
Reward Structure
Early Adopters earn ₣100 upfront for signing up
Linking Rewards - Earn Frinks for links you make to Friends (See Friends Tab)
Your early links are worth more than later ones
Referral Rewards - Spread the Word, Get Paid!
You earn 50% of what the person you refer earns from both their friend links and referrals, making this a 2 tier referral program
Find Tips for Selling Frink to Others here
Mining Rewards - Coming Soon!
You will be able to mine once linked to enough other well-linked friends, we recommend at least 10
Miners are paid every time new users link together as well as a little extra every block
Equal mining rights maximize your reward with no monetary investment, but early miners earn many more Frinks than later miners
Investors - Contact us to buy Frinks or buy them off of other users. Official ICO coming soon. We cannot predict the future, and make no guarantees that Frinks will grow in value.
Interested in knowing how much you could earn?
Check out our Earnings Estimator
Share This Link to Refer Friends
If you refer someone you know, head over the Friends tab and link together afterward!